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Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit Officiates at Funeral for Hodari Babies

By Monica Migliorino Miller, Ph.D
Director of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society

Felician Sister Clare Klein offers flowers at the grave of the Hodari Babies--buried May 3, 2008 at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Southfield, Michigan--Cemetery Section 71.

On Saturday, May 3, 2008 over three hundred mourners gathered at St. Gerald's Church in Farmington, Michigan for the funeral Mass to pay their respects to 23 victims of abortion killed at the WomanCare abortion clinics in Lathrup Village and Sterling Heights, Michigan--owned and operated by abortionist Alberto Hodari. Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit, John M. Quinn, offered the funeral Mass. Con-celebrants included the chancellor for the Archdiocese of Detroit, Msgr. Robert McClory as well as Father Ronald Browne, pastor of St. Gerald's. The Hodari Babies were retrieved from the trash dumpsters behind two of Hodari's WomanCare clinics located in Lathrup Village and Sterling Heights, Michigan. Pro-lifers, including mmebers of Citizens for a Pro-life Society, retrieved the babies on February 24th and March 2nd 2008--amid bio-hazardous watse and numerous patient records.

Those who live according to the ethics of the culture of death threw these human beings in the trash--after killing them in violent acts of abortion. The human being made in the image and likeness of God had no more value or meaning than the coffee grounds and half eaten McDonald's hamburgers--thrown out in the garbage dumpster. When pro-lifers took them out of the trash they were given back to God the Father who made them--reversing in some small way, the horrific injustice done to them. The babies truly can say: "The reason why the world does not know us--is that it never knew HIM. We are God's children now" (1 John 3: 1-2).


Photos of Hodari Babies' Funeral

Hover for caption. Click to enlarge.
Photography by Rich Mucha
Citizens for a Pro-life Society
Extends its Deepest Gratitude to:

Kevin and Milissa Kukla
Mike Stack and Forty Days for Life Participants
Bishop John M. Quinn
Msgr. Robert McClory
Todd Borek and Borek-Jennings Funeral Home
Holy Sepulchre Cemetery
The Archdiocese of Detroit
Steve Gendregske
Eileen Ambrose
Ann Mitzel
Mary Sullivan
Jenny Nelson
Lynn Mills
Michael Miller
Gail Mazurkiewicz
Fr. Ron Browne and St. Gerald’s Parish
Bernadette Reilly—webmaster
Ronald and Theresa Weiler
Al Sebastian
Jill Stanek
Walter and Eileen Coleman
Edmund and Joseph Miller
Douglas Helderop
John and Barb Harburg
Ed Rivets-Michigan Right to Life
Teresa Tomeo and Al Kresta-Ave Maria Radio
Andrew Shirvell
Drs. Daniel and Lisa Benz
Joseph M’Mwirichia

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