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Archdiocese of Detroit to Bury
Aborted Babies Found in
WomanCare Dumpsters

By Citizens for a Pro-Life Society Editors

Saturday, May 3, 2008 the Archdiocese of Detroit will provide a funeral Mass and burial for 25 aborted babies retrieved from the trash dumpsters behind WomanCare abortion clinics—owned and operated by Alberto Hodari. The funeral Mass will begin at 10:30 AM at St. Gerald’s Church, 21300 Farmington Road, Farmington, Michigan. A private burial service will take place for the aborted babies immediately following the Mass at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Southfield, Michigan.

In February and March 2008 pro-lifers, including members of Citizens for a Pro-life Society, discovered bio-hazardous waste, numerous patient records and the remains of aborted babies in the dumpsters of Hodari’s abortion clinics. The dumpsters at WomanCare clinics in Lathrup Village, Sterling Heights and Southgate, Michigan were monitored from February 8, 2008 through March 2, 2008. Monica Migliorino Miller, director of CPLS, and others, discovered remains of aborted babies, bloody suction gauze tubing used in abortions, blood drenched surgical paper, dozens of glass medicine vials, used syringes, IV bags with tubing and sharps, numerous condoms and condom wrappers probably used for ultra-sounds, bloody surgical gloves, dozens of bloody suction canulas used in abortions and over 200 patient records. Miller’s group mounted a video on You Tube that records their March 2, 2008 discovery of bio-hazardous waste and finding of aborted babies in Hodari’s Lathrup Village dumpster. A full record of the searches of the Woman Care dumpsters may be found at www.prolifesociety.org.

On March 6, 2008 the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality and Lathrup Village police conducted an investigation of the waste material Miller turned over to authorities. On March 10, 2008 they also conducted their own search of the Lathrup Village trash dumpster and found bio-hazardous waste material. The Oakland County prosecutor’s office is expected to charge Hodari with violating Michigan State laws on improper disposal of patient records.

Miller states: “These unborn babies are the Throw-aways of our society. They were killed in violent acts of abortion, and literally thrown away in the trash—destined to find their final resting place with garbage in a land-fill. When we found them we discovered the awful secret of their hidden and silent deaths. Now they are embraced by God’s people and buried with other babies. This tomb will be a place of refuge especially for grieving mothers and dads who regret that they made the decision to abort their children—a place of reconciliation. We are grateful to the Archdiocese of Detroit that some justice will be done for these few little ones and may this act of mercy proclaim to all the world that human life is sacred.”

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