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Abortion Clinic Charged with
Improper Record Disposal

By Gina Damron, Free Press Writer
August 21, 2008


A 12-count warrant has been issued against a Lathrup Village abortion clinic for improperly disposing of medical records, according to Southfield’s 46th District Court.


The case against WomanCare, located on Southfield Road, stems from a March incident in which patient records were discovered in a Dumpster behind the facility, court and police officials said today. The clinic came under scrutiny after an anti-abortion group reportedly found body parts of fetuses, other medical waste and the records in the trash bins.


An arraignment date has not yet been set, a court clerk said today. Dr. A. Alberto Hodari, who owns the clinic and who would have to appear in court, said today that he was not aware of the charges.


The Oakland County Prosecutor’s Office, which issued the warrant, could not be reached for comment today. A sergeant at the Lathrup Village Police Department said he couldn’t comment on the case other than to say that the warrant issued was related to the March incident.


“I never received anything about being charged,” Hodari said. “I don’t have anything yet.”


In March, Sgt. Vincent Lynch said that up to 50 patients could be identified in medical records, which were mostly created in February and included personal information and the types of procedures performed.


In addition to the medical records, the clinic was accused of improperly disposing of medical waste by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality. In March, the MDEQ found that the clinic violated the Medical Waste Regulatory Act by disposing of medical waste, including blood-soaked gauze and surgical drapes, in regular trash bags and then putting them in the trash bin. Medical waste, according to state rules, is to be disposed of in biohazard bags.


The MDEQ decided not to fine the clinic after conducting a follow-up inspection. The state found that the clinic had put procedures in place to ensure medical waste was put into biohazard bags and that employees used proper disposal practices.


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