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Michigan Asked to Reveal
Why Abortionist Evaded
Illegal Dumping Charges

by Steven Ertelt
LifeNews.com Editor
August 24, 2010
Hodari Lathrup Village, MI
Why did Michigan-based abortion practitioner Alberto Hodari essentially avoid being held accountable for illegally dumping patient records and biohazard waste? That's what the Thomas More Society, a pro-life legal group, wants to know and it has filed a lawsuit to learn more.

In 2008, members of a local pro-life group found the illegal dumping at a couple of the abortion businesses Hodari owns and operates in the Detroit area. Monica Miller of the Citizens for a Pro-Life Society found the patient records, medical waste and bodies of unborn children in the dumpster.

The incident caused a national controversy when Womancare received only a slap on the wrist from Michigan environmental officials for violating illegal dumping laws.

Hodari didn't receive a fine from the state nor was he prosecuted on any charges. He did eventually receive probation from a local judge on local charges in the case.

Hodari pled no contest to twelve counts from the Oakland County prosecutor's office of violating Michigan law requiring the proper filing and disposal of patient records, even though records were found concerning hundreds of abortion patients. Full stories at LifeNews.com


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