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Archbishop Vigneron, Joined By Over 100 People, Dedicates the Grave Marker For the Aborted "Hodari Babies."

By Citizens for a Pro-Life Society Editors
September 4, 2010

On a warm but windy afternoon, Saturday, September 4, 2010, the grave marker for 23 victims of abortion, murdered in 2008 at the Woman Care abortion clinics in Lathrup Village and Southgate MI, was dedicated by Archbishop Allen Vigneron of the Archdiocese of Detroit. In his sermon addressed to those gathered at the grave site, the archbishop called these innocent victims truly the least of Christ's brothers and sisters and urged that we pray for their mothers and fathers--- pray for them so that they will be able to meet their children in heaven in a moment, not of fear and accusation, but love and reconciliation. See below the photos. We thank Lynn Mills, Rick Mucha and Patrick Miller for capturing these beautiful moments. We thank the Wietecha Monument Company for contributing the monument and Holy Sepulchre Cemetery for contributing the installation of the marker. We thank Janice Priest for her solo song performance. We thank Fr. Lee Acervo, Associate Pastor of Our Lady of Good Counsel Parish for assisting the Archbishop at the ceremony. And we are so truly grateful to Archbishop Vigneron for his presence and leadership.

Let the aborted babies' voices beneath this stone cry out to us. Let us re-double our efforts to end the slaughter of abortion!

Archbishop Allen Vigneron of the Archdiocese of Detroit delivers sermon to the crowd gathered at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery.

Photography credit:
Rich Mucha
The Archbishop blesses the grave marker of the "Hodari Babies."

Photography credit:
Lynn Mills
Janice Priest of Our Lady Music.com sings "A Baby's Prayer."

Photography credit:
Patrick G. Miller
Many who attended the dedication ceremony viewing the grave marker.

Photography credit:
Rich Mucha
Citizens for a Pro-life Society director pays her respects to the aborted unborn.

Photography credit:
Rich Mucha
The Hodari Babies' grave marker. Let the voices below this stone call you to end the injustice of abortion.

Photography credit:
Monica Migliorino Miller

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