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Six-Hundred Mourners Gather
to Bury the Women's Advisory Babies

By Citizens for a Pro-Life Society Editors
June 27, 2008

June 27, 2008: The coffin containing the Women's Advisory babies is carried into Assumption Grotto Church in Detroit at the start of the funeral Mass offered for them.
Three of the Women's Advisory babies will be Buried at the EWTN Shrine in July.   ---Here are the details from Fr. Pavone......

"I invite you to the Shrine of the Most Blessed Sacrament that Mother Angelica set up in Hanceville, Alabama. On Sunday, July 27, 2008 at 3pm, I will lead a service there during which we will honor and bury the bodies of three children who were killed by abortion. These babies were found in the garbage dumpster of the Women's Advisory Abortion Clinic in Livonia, Michigan by members of Citizens for a Pro-life Society (http://www.prolifesociety.org). The babies have been named Enoch, Karen-Esther and Rebecca. By honoring them in public, and by having large numbers of people pay their respects to them, we want to make up in some small way for the dishonor shown them by abortion. Moreover, by having a large funeral service, we bear public witness to society that these are real children, and that all the unborn deserve protection. Please join me in Hanceville on Sunday July 27, 2008 and spread the word! "

"Fr. Frank Pavone, M.E.V.
National Director, Priests for Life"

Mother Angelica's Shrine of the Blessed Sacrament
Our Lady of the Angels Monastery
3222 County Road 548
Hanceville, AL 35077

On Friday, June 27, 2008 six hundred mourners filled the church at Assumption Grotto Parish in Detroit to bury the remains of seven aborted babies murdered by abortion at the Women's Advisory abortion clinic in Livonia, Michigan. The babies were discovered by Citizens for a Prolife Society with the help of other pro-lifers on the evenings of April 5, 12, and 19th mixed in with bio-hazardous waste. (See You Tube video "Abortion Dumpster Scandal-Women's Advisory". There is a link on this website further down this page.)


Bishop John. M. Quinn, Auxiliary Bishop of Detroit presided at the Funeral Mass.  Fr. Perrone, pastor of Assumption Grotto as well as Fr. Pavone of Priests for Life con-celebrated. Auxiliary Bishop Daniel Flores was to celebrate the Mass, but due to a death in his own family he was unable to attend. Bishop Quinn was so kind to step in at the last minute which meant that this was the second Mass for aborted babies he offered in less than two months. 


On May 3, 2008 Citizen's for a Pro-life Society buried the remains of 23 aborted babies found in the Woman Care abortion clinic dumpster in Lathrup Village, Michigan. They are laid to rest in Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Southfield, Michigan.


Immediately following Friday's Mass the Women's Advisory babies were laid to rest in the Assumption Grotto cemetery only a few feet away from a monument erected to the memory of all those millions of human beings killed by abortion since 1973. Fr. Frank Pavone of Priests for Life officiated at the graveside service. 

At 8:00a.m. Friday morning Citizens for a Pro-life Society held a press conference in front of the Women's Advisory abortion clinic.

Seven small white coffins were laid on the grassy easement right in front of the clinic's parking lot on Six Mile Road. Seven large posters of the aborted babies were also on display for the media.

Fox2 News was there as well as WDIV Channel 4, NBC affiliate, and a reporter from the Livonia Observer. The Michigan Catholic newspaper, St. Michael's Media and the National Catholic Register were also present.
Click Here for Pictoral Record of the Mass and Burial

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