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More Aborted Babies Found in Dumpster

Mutilated Human Remains Found at Women's Advisory Clinic, Livonia, MI

By Citizens for a Pro-Life Society Editors

This is the tiny leg of an unwanted baby about 16 weeks gestation. Baby was found April 12, 2008 in the trash dumpster behind Women's Advisory Abortion clinic in Livonia, Michigan by members of Citizens for a Pro-life Society.

On the heels of the Hodari aborted baby find, pro-lifers, with members of Citizens for a Pro-life Society, in April 2008 found the remains of at least 6 aborted babies in the trash dumpster behind the Women's Advisory abortion clinc, 27549 Six Mile Road, Livonia, Michigan. The remains are those of aborted babies from 16 to 20 weeks gestational age. The clinic is owned and operated by Reginald Sharpe. Extensive bio-hazard waste and patient records were discovered there as well as in the trash container behind Sharpe's other abortion clinic located on Warren Avenue in Detroit.


Lynn Mills and Jenny Nelson, of Detroit, MI,  were the first to discover bio-hazard waste in a search of the Women's Advisory dumspter on March 29, 2008. Mills and Nelson, with members of Citizens for a Pro-life Society continued the searches on April 5, 12, 19, 24 and May 3, 2008.  Monica Migliorino Miller filed a Police Report with the Livonia Police Department that details the dumpster findings. (See Photos, Video,  and Police Report Below)


The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality conducted its own investigation of the Women's Advisory dumpster on April 30, 2008. Dr. Reginald Sharpe has received only a warning! No fines, no penalties! It's Hodari all over again! It still remains to be seen if the Wayne County prosecutor will act on the illegal dumping of the patient records.


Miller explains: "When we found these aborted babies in the trash--they shared what could have been their final resting place with the most dispicable waste--the bloody canulas, the bloody surgical paper, bloody gauze and gloves, half-eaten McDonald's food, pop bottles and juice box containers. You have to see the You Tube video to know what we are talking about. THIS IS ABORTION IN AMERICA; human beings killed under the law and treated like trash! The Discards, the Unwanted, the Throw-aways!


When we find these dismembered, broken bodies--we find their terrible secret--the terrible secret of the injustice done to them that was never to be known. We photograph them so that their secret will be revealed to all and shake us from our stupor."


Photos - Aborted Babies

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Abortion Exposed!


Womans Advisory Clinic Investigation from prolifesociety on Vimeo.

Click to View Video of Womens Advisory Dumpster Bag Search
This footage is firsthand video of the discovery made by pro-lifers, including members of Citizens for a Pro-life Society, of biohazardous waste, patient records and remains of aborted babies taken from the trash dumpster behind the Woman's Advisory abortion clinic located in Livonia, Michigan. The trash dumpster was searched from March 29 through May 3 2008. The video you see here was taken on the evenings of April 5 and April 12, 2008. Here you will see the worst possible conduct of any medical practice as well as the wanton disrespect for the sanctity of life. The video was taken by John Brick and the still photographs were taken by Monica Migliorino Miller, director of Citizens for a Pro-life Society.

Police Report filed by Dr.  Miller with the Livonia Police Department detailing the dumpster findings.
Dear Det. Holloway-- Below is a detailed report of our findings regarding the illegal dumping of patient records and bio-hazardous waste (including fetal remains) at the Women's Advisory Center, 27549 Six Mile Road, Livonia, Michigan, owned and operated by Reginald Sharpe. This report has been forwarded to the Michigan Department of Health, Bureau of Professional Licensing. Report made: April 21, 2008

Bio-hazardous waste, including fetal remains, and various documents that identify patient names were discovered in the trash dumpster located directly behind the Women's Advisory abortion center, 27549 Six Mile Road in Livonia Michigan. Searches of the trash dumpster were conducted on the following dates: March 29, April 4, April 12 and April 19, 2008 The searches were all conducted on Saturday evenings. Each evening several black-colored plastic bags were removed and searched through.

 Upon examination, which occurred immediately upon removing the bags, they were found to contain the following items:
  1. The remains of aborted babies, i.e. on the evening of April 4th we found a foot, rib cage, spinal column sticking to blood-soaked blue-surgical paper. Another blood-soaked surgical paper contained the eye of another fetal child and other fleshy material from the abortion procedure. On April 12th we discovered large skull fragments from one abortion procedure and the entire leg and foot of another aborted baby as well as intestines.
  2. Dozens of bloody suction canulae used in the abortion procedures.
  3. Several used/bloody laminaria
  4. Several blood-soaked blue surgical papers with fleshy material attached to them.
  5. Approximately 15 glass medicine vials discovered April 12th--(one glass medicine vial was discovered April 4th and one on April 19th)
  6. Several pairs of used/bloody surgical gloves.
  7. Dozens of blood-soaked surgical gauze squares.
  8. Dozens of blood-stained or blood-soaked paper toweling.
  9. Several used urine-sample cups
  10. Various documents--approximately 30--that contain identifying patient information. Examples of documents include urine-sample cups with patients' first and last names, Rh negative identification card, handwritten notes with patient names and information, signed consent forms, prescription forms with patient name, etc.
  11. Specimen jars containing formilin solution with unidentifiable specimens in gauze sacking used in abortion procedures.
  12. Each search of the Women's Advisory Center dumpster yielded excessively blood-soaked surgical paraphernalia all thrown out in ordinary trash bags, thrown out with McDonald's food items and other trash material. On April 12 one trash bag actually had a large blood-stained suction canula sticking out of it.

  13. All of these findings were video-taped and photographed each day we conducted the searches while we actually did the searches.

    In addition to the Women's Advisory Center findings, a search was conducted on the dumpster of Women's Advisory's sister clinic in Detroit, Sharpe's Family Planning, 16738 East Warren, Detroit, Michigan, on Saturday, April 12th. Excessive bio-hazardous waste and patient records were also discovered there consistent with the findings at Sharpe's Livonia clinic.

    Monica Migliorino Miller

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