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The Notre Dame Scandal

By Citizens for a Pro-Life Society Editors

Obama, talking about an abortion for his daughters: “…… but if they do make a mistake; I wouldn’t want them to be punished with a baby.” When asked, “When does life begin?” Obama responded, “….. answering that question is beyond my pay grade.” When in the Senate, Obama was the only Senator to vote against the born alive infant protection act. Since he has been in office he has put our tax dollars to work here and abroad to pay for abortion. Now he is pushing for the removal of the right of conscience so that all medical personnel will be forced to participate in abortion whether they have a moral problem with it or not. If he succeeds we will not have freedom of religion in this country anymore.


Barack Obama will be the principal speaker and the recipient of an honorary doctor of laws degree at the University of Notre Dame’s 164th University commencement Ceremony at 2 p.m. May 17, 2009. "Notre Dame has chosen prestige over principles, popularity over morality" according to the well put rhetoric on http://www.notredamescandal.com.

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishops issued a mandate prohibiting Catholic communities and Catholic institutions from honoring or providing a  platform or providing awards to politicians who are in defiance of fundamental moral principles. With complete disregard for this mandate, the Catholic univiersity,  Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana, invited Obama, a radical pro-abort, to deliver the commencement address to the Class of 2009.

What a scandolous example Notre Dame has set for the weak and wayward sinners of today! If you don't kill babies you don't praise those who do! Simple!

If confusing and sly arguments for praising evil ideas and behavior make you tired; speak up!

Attn: Fr. John Jenkins, President of Notre Dame
Notre Dame Univiersity
317 Main Building
Notre Dame, IN, 46556

Email: president@nd.edu

Phone: 574-631-3903

If you would like to sign the online petion go to http://www.notredamescandal.com. This web site has all the means of contact for Fr. John Jenkins as well. Or you can sign a petition sponsered by this web site. Sign the Petition to Fr. Jenkins to DisInvite Obama

I f public outrage does not stop Notre Dame from honoring Obama be prepared to join the demonstration in South Bend, Indiana on May 17, 2009. Organize now to provide rides or to get your ride to South Bend.

Eric Scheidler's Pro-Life Action League has information on their web site  http://prolifeaction.org/#notredame.

Many other organizations are planning to demonstrate in South Bend. Citizen's for a Pro-Life Society has invited other groups to join them.

Write to Bishop D'Arcy and urge him to employ the "nuclear option." The nuclear option belongs to every Ordinary-the power to remove the Catholic identification from the offending school. A negotiation can begin where the Ordinary says that unless the university behaves like a Catholic institution, it should not misrepresent itself as one.

Bishop John Michael D'Arcy
South Bend Chancery
114 W. Wayne Street South Bend, IN 46601
(574) 234-0687


The pressure on Notre Dame increases as more and more student groups raise their voices in opposition to Obama's invitation to speak at commencement. The groups opposing the Obama scandal are:

Notre Dame Right to Life
The Irish Rover Student Newspaper
Notre Dame College Republicans
The University of Notre Dame Anscombe Society
Notre Dame Identity Project
Militia of the Immaculata
Children of Mary
Orestes Brownson Council
Notre Dame Law School Right to Life
Notre Dame Law St Thomas More Society
The Federalist Society at Notre Dame Law School

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