It is certainly possible that even those who are unjust may be victims of
injustice themselves,” Miller states in reaction to the Sunday, May 31, 2009
shooting of late-term abortionist George Tiller of Wichita, Kansas.
As an activist and as a theologian I understand that someone may have killed
this abortionist in order to protect innocent human life—namely the unborn who
were routinely exterminated in Tiller’s clinic—but such an action cannot be
objectively justified. There are many non-violent ways to protect unborn
children, short of taking the life of the abortionist—and those means must be
used. Anyone who kills an abortionist fails to understand the nature of
legalized abortion. The mothers who are abortion-minded need to be reached, they
need to be persuaded and helped. This is the way babies are saved as well as by
peaceful non-violent types of protest and non-violent acts of civil
disobedience. In the wake of Tiller’s slaying, pro-lifers need to re-double
their peaceful presence outside of abortion clinics in witness to the sanctity
of life. This is the real pro-life movement.”
Tiller’s killing is an unjust act of violence-- but it would be wrong for
Tiller, who attacked and killed the helpless unborn, to be perceived as a
martyr. He’s not a martyr. He was simply an unjust man who has also very sadly
died unjustly. I pray for his soul.”