Top Pro-life Stories of 2009
By Citizens foe a Pro-Life Society Editors
When considering the challenges the pro-life movement faced in 2009, many
stories vie for "most important.” Listed here are some of the more important
pro-life happenings of 2009. Many are events in which Citizens for a Pro-life
Society played a major role.
The Owosso Incident:
Pro-life activist, Jim Pouillon was fatally shot as he held a graphic image
protesting abortion. Pro-lifers from all over the country descended on the tiny
Michigan village circling through the town in truth trucks.
The photo to
the right is of the roadside memorial put there by Jim Pouillon's friends after
the murder.
- Abortion Isn't Healthcare:
Pro-life activists across the nation mobilized in a huge grass roots effort to
keep tax payer money
from paying for abortion. This battle in not yet over.
- The Notre Dame Scandal:

The ND 88 face possible jail time in 2010 for protesting Obama’s commencement
speech at the University of Notre Dame. The protest was spear-headed by Randall
Terry, the Center for Bio-ethical Reform, the Pro-life Action League, Citizens
for a Pro-life Society, Missionaries to the Preborn and ND Response. Nearly 100
Catholic bishops voiced opposition to honoring Obama, the most pro-death
candidate ever to be elected.
The photo above is of the arrest of two girls at Notre Dame. Both are members of
Citizen's for a Pro-life Society. Both are also university students. (Photo
credit: John Brick)
- The Killing of a Killer:
Notorious third trimester abortion specialist, George Tiller of Wichita, KA,
was fatally shot at Sunday services inside his church. Attorney General Holder
ordered the US Marshals to guard abortuaries and abortionists across the nation
in spite of pro-life leader's condemnation of the killing.
- Blood Money:
Lila Rose and LiveAction films exposed Planned Parenthood's unethical medical
practices. This effort is ongoing and more horror comes to light as their
investigation proceeds.
- NYT Coup:

On Oct. 10, 2009 the
New York Times
printed photos of abortion victims. The photos featured in the New York Times were taken by Citizens
for a Pro-life Society's
director. The Times also printed a fair article on pro-life activists accompanied by a
video that showed posters of abortion victims.
The photo on
the right was taken by freelance photographer Stephen McGee for the New York
Times. It is a photo of a photo taken by Monica M. Miller. The hand is that of a
baby found in the trash behind Alberto Hodari's Womancare abortion center in
Lathrup Village, MI. The child is one of 23 babies discovered by Citizens for a
Pro-life Society in 2008.
- The Chicago Bubble Zone:
The unfair Chicago bubble-zone ordinance, that severely restricts pro-lifers’
freedom of speech outside of abortion clinics, was passed by the Chicago City
- The Pittsburgh Bubble Zone:
A federal court decision reversed a similar bubble zone in the city of
- Abby Johnson:
Planned Parenthood Director, Abby Johnson, blew the whistle on the organization
she works for. Planned
Parenthood kills unborn children for profit, Ms. Johnson explained.
The more unwanted pregnancies PP can encourage the more money they make.
- Accused of Forced Abortion:
Caitlin Bruce is suing notorious Michigan abortionist, Alberto Hodari, who,
allegedly, forced her to have an abortion against her will.
CPLS' New York Times Coup
Makes Stanek's Top Ten List
Top 10 Pro-life Stories of 2009
By Jill Stanek |