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67 Picket Obama at Macomb College

By Monica Migliorino Miller, Ph.D
Director of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society

With only three days notice, sixty-seven prolifers joined the Citizens for a Pro-life Society protest of Barack Obama's speech at McComb Community College in Warren, MI., Tuesday, July 14, 2009.
Hover to read caption. Click to enlarge.

Most of the protesters, many of whom held signs of the victims of abortion, lined up for three blocks along Hayes Avenue. Several families came with their children. A few elderly people also came out in their wheel chairs. Now that's commitment!


The protest was strategically placed--as Obama's motorcade went through the very entrance to the parking lot on the side of the street where Citizens for a Pro-Life Society members gathered to send this pro-abortion president a pro-life message.

A few pro-lifers managed to get onto the campus and stood for an hour-and-a half right at the building where people entered to hear Obama's speech. Many signs stated "Obama: Abortion is Murder." Hundreds of motorists saw the demonstration--and many passersby stopped to talk with us.

Many showed signs of support. Indeed, there was very little oppositon to our message. Only a few passersby showed hostility--a sign that the tide is changing in the pro-life direction?

Thanks to everyone who came out to make this picket a success!


Let's Get Out There and Picket Obama!

By Monica Migliorino Miller, Ph.D
Director of Citizens for a Pro-Life Society

Obama is speaking at Macomb Community College
14500 E. 12 Mile Road, Warren, MI
on Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Picketers will assemble at the corner of
E 12 Mile Road and Hayes Avenue and
will march from 1:30 PM sharp to 3:30 PM.

Citizen's for a Pro-life Society is sponsering a pro-life picket near the campus of Macomb Community College. President Barack Obama is scheduled to deliver a speech on this campus on July 14th at 3:00 PM. Picketers will arrive prior to Obama's talk and will protest before the president arrives.

Come and witness to the sanctity of human life.

Bring signs. Possible Messages:

  • etc., etc.

Signs will also be provided including signs of abortion victims.


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