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Red Rose Rescuers to Stand Trial in February and March 2018 - Pray For Them and Show Your Support—Court Details Below

On September 15th four pro-lifers, myself (Monica Miller), Will Goodman, Matthew Connolly and 20-year-old Abby McIntyre participated in a Red Rose Rescue at Northland Family Planning abortion center in Sterling Hts., MI-- and then again another Red Rose Rescue took place on Dec. 2nd at the Women's Center abortion facility in West Bloomfield, MI-- in which myself, Will Goodman, Matthew Connolly, Patrice Woodward and Robert Kolavy participated.

We entered the waiting rooms to talk to the moms-- offer them help, a voice of love and compassion and gave them red roses-- and we were there to abide with the innocent unborn scheduled to be aborted--knowing that as long as there was a pro-life presence in the abortion centers no abortions would take place and the unborn would thereby be defended.

Fr. Stephen Imbarrato, Julia Haag and Joan McKee participated in the RRR at The Capital Women’s Clinic in Washington D.C., Dec. 2nd. They have a court hearing scheduled for Feb. 16th.

Mike Webb, Lauren Handy and Linda Mueller defended the unborn at the Alexandra Women’s health Clinic in Alexandra, VA Dec. 2nd and they will stand trial on March 9th before Judge Lisa Kemler-- 520 King Street Alexandria VA 22314

Matthew Connolly is arrested for defending the unborn at Women's Center.
This is a defense the unborn completely deserve!
We were all arrested and have been charged with
a city ordinance of trespassing.
Now we are going to stand trial for our defense of the unborn.

We are blessed with great attorneys Robert Muise and Erin Mercino from the American Freedom Law Center!

We will have trials by jury and we are asking for a "defense of others"-- a common law defense that allows the law to be broken when doing so prevents a greater evil from occurring--

PLEASE PRAY that the judges grant us this defense! Without this--we go to court virtually naked without a defense !! and it is really the babies who have no DEFENSE!

You too can attend the trials-- and show your support--
The supporters of abortion will be there!
Please, will you be there?
Here are the details:
Our trial for the Sept. 15th RRR at Northland Family Planning in Sterling Hts. MI. is Feb. 14th-- which is Ash Wednesday/St. Valentine's Day. We will appear at 8:30 AM in the 41st District Court at 40111 Dodge Park Rd, Sterling Heights, MI 48313 Before Judge Sierawski-- this judge mentioned that he might recuse himself from our case because he is pro-life !! Pray that He DOESN'T!!
Our trial for the Dec. 2nd RRR at the Women's Center abortion facility in Bloomfield Hills, MI is set for 8:30 am, Feb. 20th at the 48th District Court at 4280 Telegraph Rd, Bloomfield Hills, MI 48302 before Judge Barron.
God Bless you All-- Let Us Work and Pray to End Abortion
We are happy and hopeful after our release from the West Bloomfield Police Station

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