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Will Red Rose Rescues be the catalyst to challenge Roe vs. Wade?
Red Rose Rescue in D.C.
MARCH 19, 2019
By Tara Shaver http://www.abortionfreenm.com/
Washington, D.C.-

Bud Shaver of Abortion Free New Mexico joined 9 others in our nations capital in what is known as Red Rose Rescues. Two rescue teams, led by Catholic priests, entered two Washington D.C. abortion facilities Tuesday morning.

Pro-lifers quietly approach mothers scheduled for abortions and offer them red roses as a symbol of life…thus the name “Red Rose Rescue.” Attached to each rose is a card which states: “God is love and he loves you and your unborn baby. Don’t be afraid. Your life circumstances will change and this baby will give you boundless joy… There is help for you and your baby.” The reverse of the card contained phone numbers of local pregnancy help centers.

In doing so, each of the pro-lifers risk arrest for trespass and possible incarceration. They also prayerfully witness to moms, their escorts, the medical workers, and law enforcement who arrive on the scene. Several of the rescuers, including Bud, remained in the facility until arrest, prayerfully standing in solidarity with the babies scheduled to die in that location from abortion.

Grace Woo—student at Catholic University of America participates in Red Rose Rescue,
March 19, 2019 at Washington Surgi-Center abortion clinic in. D. C.

Fr. Stephen Imbarrato led Bud and three other women into Washington Surgi-Clinic located at 2112 F St NW Suite 400, Washington DC, 20037. Washington Surgi-Clinic is one of 19 abortion facilities in the DC metropolitan area. Also known for providing later abortions, Cesare F. Santangelo , has a history of medical malpractice. Court documents obtained by Operation Rescue showed a 2011 medical malpractice/wrongful death lawsuit filed by the family of a woman who died during an abortion.

Red Rose Rescues serve multiple purposes, to save babies lives by reaching the moms sitting in clinic waiting rooms, to be present in these killing places in solidarity with the babies who will die and the arrests that occur could be challenged up to the Supreme Court and be the catalyst for the highest court in our nation to overturn Roe vs. Wade. When Roe vs. Wade, the landmark case that decriminalized abortion in our nation, is overturned, performing an abortion in New Mexico becomes a fourth degree felony!

It is for this reason that radical leftist democrat legislators in Santa Fe sponsored HB 51. This bill sought to remove New Mexico's criminal abortion statute, most of which is not currently being enforced because of Roe. However, the existing criminal abortion statute, positions New Mexico to be one of the most pro-life states in the nation. Pro-lifers, especially those in New Mexico, must work to ensure that Roe vs. Wade is overturned so that our state moves from being the late term abortion capital in the nation to a safe haven for the pre-born.

Fr Fidelis Moscinski is “wheel-chaired” by police to waiting police van when he tried to save babies from abortion in March 19, 2019 Red Rose Rescue at the Capital Women’s Center in Washington, DC. Red Rose rescuer Immolatia stands to left in prayer for the babies.

Bud Shaver issued the following statement this morning and is grateful for your continued prayers and support,

"I stand in solidarity with the Red Rose Rescue participants and today join in their peaceful efforts in Washington D.C., our nation's capital. My prayer is that through this unified, peaceful and sacrificial witness, the hearts of those who go to kill their children will be changed and they will joyfully receive the responsibility of parenthood by choosing life for their babies."

"I also appeal to President Donald Trump in hopes that he will continue to lead the charge in changing the heart of our nation so that our laws can be reformed to protect pre-born life in the womb. While we anticipate the overturning of Roe vs.Wade, we eagerly urge you to issue a presidential executive action through a Personhood Proclamation  to give constitutional protection and personhood to the pre-born."

Today is Fr Imbarrato’s birthday and he issued the following statement, “I felt strongly called to this mission of saving babies on this special day on which I give thanks for my own birth, knowing that God desires that these babies, conceived through His grace, are granted the additional grace of being born, loved, and cherished in this world.”

Here is a live feed video of the rescue:
Article published this morning on today's rescue:

Frs Moscinski and Imbarrato, who led today’s Red Rose Rescues have been arrested several times prior, attempting to peacefully save preborn babies from death as have the majority of pro-lifers in today’s activism.

Red Rose Rescues began in September 2017. Today’s saving efforts mark more than a dozen in a little over 10 months. Red Rose Rescues are known to have saved numerous babies’ lives from abortion as well as untold numbers of babies who may have been saved because women are not able to keep their appointment when these rescues occur. Rescuers have been known to remain in abortion facilities up to 3 hours praying, singing, counseling women, and witnessing to medical and building staff, and law enforcement.

These are the 5th and 6th rescues in Washington DC, the 4th rescue at Capital Women’s Services and the 2nd at Surgi-Clinic. Three of the previous DC rescues brought no charges against the rescuers. Two other rescues that occurred in the greater DC area, in Alexandria Virginia, at the Landmark Towers Alexandria Women’s Health Clinic are thought to have had a role in that facility moving to another location. There have also been rescues in Michigan (2), New Jersey (2), and Albuquerque (1).


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