Citizens for a Pro-Life Society was busy – working hard to end the injustice of abortion in 2024 |
CPLS director, Monica M. Miller, June 2021 Red Rose Rescue at
Planned Parenthood in Bedford Hts., Ohio |
Well…the year started out with a bang—a bang from no less than a lawsuit from the pro-abortion U.S. Department of Justice. The U.S. Attorney General alleged that CPLS, Red Rose Rescue and six rescuers, including myself, violated the Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act when we in 2021 participated in two RRRs in Ohio. It is a civil suit, and indeed, the DOJ hasn’t a leg to stand on because RRRs are specifically designed to NOT break the FACE law! see: |
Thankfully we have great attorneys from the Thomas More Society and the American Freedom Law Center to defend us—and now that Trump won, we dare to hope that this bogus lawsuit will be dismissed—and also hope that the pro-lifers now in federal prison will be pardoned. See here: |
We Continue to Talk Moms Out of Abortion—and CPLS is committed to extensive follow-up with these brave women who chose LIFE! We provide all sorts of material support and spiritual guidance! Here is Zoe with me and Pam Gesund. We turned Zoe away from the Summit death mill and her baby boy named Angel was born in Dec. 2023. |
Billboards!! CPLS believes that in this Post Roe era the pro-life movement must educate that the unborn are indeed HUMAN PERSONS—thus they have a right-to-exist! CPLS set upon this billboard project erecting these huge signs near Detroit abortion centers. Literally hundreds of thousands of motorists and pedestrians have seen our message. |
CPLS supports pro-lifers who were tried in federal court and sent to federal prison—convicted of violating the FACE ACT when they conducted an Oct. 20, 2020 rescue at the late-term D.C. abortion center of Cesare Santangelo, where he kills babies into the 3rd trimester. Your CPLS director attended their trial before federal judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly and was present for their sentencing in May 2024—writing several published articles about the injustice they endure. PLEASE pray for them! See here how you can support these brave pro-lifers: |
Pickets and Demonstrations—CPLS is an activist pro-life group—and so public protests against the injustice of abortion is our meat and potatoes. Here is one of our 2024 public demonstrations—drawing attention to pharmacies like CVS that dispense the abortion kill pills— urging that such killer pharmacies be boycotted! |